Industrial I/O Cards

A range of cards for use in PC-based Industrial Automation. Connecting to a PC using a standard RS232 serial port, they eliminate the need to install special PCI cards and thus allow quick replacement of the PC if required. Cards can be daisy-chained to provide more inputs or outputs.

All cards are DIN-rail mounted. All connections use standard 2-part screw terminals so a card can be replaced in seconds if necessary.

Our range of cards includes:

  • PIC48 – 48 output channels (24V/0.33A); 8 input channels (5V – 24V switching)
  • PIC24 – 24 output channels (24V/0.33A); 8 input channels (5V – 24V switching)
  • PICFlow – Monitoring of up to 8 flowmeters, with on/off and fast/slow control of each channel
  • Relay24 – Relay board providing 24 channels of up to 240V/5A
  • PIC16O – Small 16-output (24V/0.33A) card
  • PIC8O8I – Small 8-output (24V/0.33A), 8 input (5V-24V) card
  • PIC16I – Small 16-input (24V/0.33A) card

Cards come with standard firmware allowing simple interfacing from a PC. We can also provide custom firmware or provide you with the tools to program the cards yourself in the ‘C’ language.